Secret Ingredients Used in Korean-Chinese Food Restaurant


Do you ever imagine what’s that special thing behind the Korean-Chinese cuisine that makes it super delicious? Well, you might not be aware of that.There are some exotic ingredients that are used in almost every Korean-Chinese delicacy. These constituents augment the taste of the dishes and make your taste buds go mad about them.
Below is a list of handful ingredients used by Korean Chinese Food Restaurant to prepare succulent Korean-Chinese dishes.

Roasted Sesame Seeds (Bokken Chamggae: 볶은 참깨)

These sesame seeds are typically used in the Korean-Chinese delicacies as a garnish. They add a nutty balmy flavor and pleasant crunchy texture to the cuisine. Thereby, helps to make the dishes it tastier. Usually, these roasted sesame seeds are exploited in Korean-Chinese vegetable cuisines and in dipping sauces.

Korean Chili Powder (Gochugaru: 고추가루)

The spiciness in the Korean-Chinese dishes comes from this magical chili powder called Gochugaru. It is basically prepared with dried out Korean red chilies. You will find this chili powder in two different forms –coarse and fine. The fine one is essentially used to make Gochujang and the coarse powder covers up the rest of Korean-Chinese food menu.

Soybean paste (Doenjang: 된장)

This Korean paste is often made with the fermented soybeans. It has innate pungent flavor and smell. This ingredient is primarily used to prepare stew & soup. Moreover, it is also utilized as a sauce when preparing side dishes. The exotic taste of soybean paste helps to make the dishes more delicious and enticing.

Korean fish sauce (Aecjeot: 액젓) 

The ingredient is naturally used in diversities of Kimchi to step up the fermentation process. Some Korean-Chinese food restaurants use it to prepare soup/stew and Korean side dishes. There are basically two main types of Korean fish sauce – sand lance sauce and anchovy sauce. Both enhance the flavor of Korean-Chinese cuisines.

Ground black pepper (Huchu: 후추)

This exotic constituent is typically used to marinate BBQ meat. It vanishes the exclusive meat smell and helps to make the dish yummier. Some chefs also use this black pepper to prepare Korean rice cake soup as it brings a mild spice kick and nice aroma to the bland soup.

Wrapping Up

So, these are a few authentic ingredients used by Korean-Chinese food restaurant to prepare mouth-watering delicacies. These constituents thrive the taste of dishes in such a way that people can’t resist having them. Don’t miss out the vibrant and irresistible Korean-Chinese dishes now.
Visit a nearby restaurant and have the pleasure of these luscious cuisines.

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